
Signature Name Stamp

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Usually ships in 1-2 days
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Maximum file size is 5000, file types are bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, jpe, jif, jfif, jfi, png, wbmp, xbm, tiff


Personalized signature name stamps are a great option for professionals who need to stamp documents frequently

Adults use our signature stamps to "sign" important forms, checks and other even legal documents independently. The large stamp size makes it easy for users to grasp and press. Incredibly fast turnaround - most stamps are made and shipped to you in 1-2 business days!

Is using a signature stamp legal? Yes it is, but may have pros and cons in certain situations. Read more about this here.

Our high quality Trodat stamps are self-inking with washable, water-based inks so they wash off easily. Your choice of five standard colors (choose from above). Choose your custom-made, self-inking stamps in this large, easy-to-read size. Upload your actual signature or choose a font form our complete list of Typefaces.pdf here for more options. 

Send us your signature!  Sign your first and/or last name clearly on white paper, using a black, fine point marker. Scan it and upload the image above (5mb max) or email it to us at 

Extra Large size 5/8" x 3" plate

Add a replacement quality ink pad or ink bottle and save! 

 For smaller stamps, see our Student Name Stamp


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1 Review

  • 5
    Custom signature stamp

    Posted by Unknown on Nov 13, 2022

    We ordered a custom signature stamp and the company went a great length to make sure it was made exactly as we needed. The customer service is excellent. We are very satisfied with the results. Earlier we ordered a name stamp too. All the stamps work great.

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