
Adult Communication Boards, Books

Adult Communication Boards, Books

Adult Communication Boards, Books

No-tech Adult Communication Aids are Always Ready to Use at Home, Hospital or Community

Busy caregivers don't have the time to spend searching for pictures, assembling, printing and laminating communication boards. We've done the leg work for you! Our no-tech communication boards are ideal for communicating in any setting or as back-up to a high tech communication device.

Our selection of caregiver-ready, pre-made communication boards, books and visual supports below come with all the pictures included so you can use them any time. Many can be personalized with options important to the user (recommended). You won't need to use additional computer software, laminating equipment and Velcro to get started. If you're inspired to create your own personalized books and boards, we recommend these options for Adult Picture Symbols. See also Printable Communication Boards for instant downloads.